Our People / A to Z / Fellows
Our people are at the heart of everything we do and help to make Lincoln College one of the best colleges in Oxford to study and work.
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Professor Ivan Ahel
EPA Professor of Chemical Pathology

Professor Louis-Pierre Arguin
Tutorial Fellow of Complex Systems

Dr Arabella Begin
Lewis and Audrey Cannell Fellow and Director of Studies in Clinical Medicine

Professor Pedro Carvalho
E.P. Abraham Professor in Cell Biology

Professor Radu Coldea
Walter Stern Fellow in Physics

Dr Thomas Cooper
HR Woudhuysen Junior Research Fellow in Material Culture

Dr Aled Davies
Sewards Shaw Fellow in Modern History

Professor Nigel Emptage
Nuffield Research Fellow

Professor Stefan Enchelmaier
Berrow Foundation Professor of Law

Professor Matthew Freeman FRS

Dr Perry Gauci
V.H.H. Green Tutorial Fellow in History

Ms Susan Harrison
Development Director

Professor David Hills
Embling Fellow and Tutor in Engineering Science

Dr Jack Kelly
Darby Fellow in Pure Maths

Dr Roel Konijnendijk
Darby Fellow in Ancient History

Dr Jody LaPorte
Gonticas Fellow in Politics and International Relations

Dr Lydia Matthews
Senior Tutor

Professor Peter McCullough
Sohmer Fellow in English Renaissance Literature

Dr Rebecca Menmuir
Simon and June Li Fellow in English Literature

Dr Timothy Michael
Tutorial Fellow in English Literature

Professor Edward Nye
Tutorial Fellow in French

Dr Daniela Omlor
Tutorial Fellow in Spanish

Dr Reece Oosterbeek
Tutorial Fellow in Mechanical Engineering

Dr Kimberly Palladino
Tutorial Fellow in Physics

Dr Alexei Parakhonyak
Amelia Ogunlesi Fellow in Economics

Professor J.P. Park
June and Simon Li Professor in the History of Chinese Art

Dr Alexander Prescott-Couch
Tutorial Fellow in Philosophy

Professor Jordan Raff FRS
César Milstein Professor of Molecular Cancer Biology

Dr Joanna Raisbeck
Montgomery Fellow in German Literature

Dr Anthony Roberts
Berrow Foundation Lord Florey Fellow in Biochemistry

Dr Peter Sarkies
Tutorial Fellow in Biochemistry

Mr Alex Spain

Professor Maria Stamatopoulou
Tutorial Fellow in Classical Archaeology

Dr Paul Stavrinou
Tutorial Fellow in Engineering Science

Professor Andreas Televantos
Hanbury Fellow and Tutorial Fellow in Law

Dr Alice Thorneywork
Tutorial Fellow in Physical Chemistry

Dr Andreas Vassiliou
Darby Fellow in Law

Professor David Vaux
Tutorial Fellow in Medicine

Professor Dominic Vella
Tutorial Fellow in Applied Mathematics

Professor Qian Wang
Tutorial Fellow in Pure Mathematics

Professor Michael Willis
GlaxoSmithKline Fellow and Tutor in Chemistry

Professor Lucy Wooding
Langford Fellow and Tutor in History

Revd Dr Jonny Torrance
Chaplain and Lord Crewe Career Development Fellow
Dr Bill Cuthbert
Fleming Fellow
Mrs June Li
Fleming Fellow
Mr Simon Li
Fleming Fellow
The Marquise de Amodio
Fleming Fellow
Dr Leonard Polonsky CBE
Fleming Fellow
Mr Harold Shaw
Fleming Fellow
Mr Andrew Spokes
Fleming Fellow
Mr Neville Taylor
Fleming Fellow
Mr Michael Zilkha
Fleming Fellow
Sir John Adye
Honorary Fellow
Professor Naomi Alderman
Honorary Fellow
Sir Christopher Ball
Honorary Fellow
Professor Julia Black
Honorary Fellow
Mr John Bowers KC
Honorary Fellow
Rt Rev'd Gregory Cameron
Honorary Fellow
Sir David Clementi
Honorary Fellow
Dr Stephanie Cook
Honorary Fellow
The Rt Hon Lord Donoughue
Honorary Fellow
Professor Raymond Dwek
Honorary Fellow
Sir Roderick Eddington
Honorary Fellow
Professor Alistair Fitt
Honorary Fellow
Professor Mark Greene
Honorary Fellow
Professor Helena Hamerow FSA
Honorary Fellow
Sir Philip Hampton
Honorary Fellow
Mr Richard Hardie
Honorary Fellow
Mr Paul Harris SC
Honorary Fellow
Mr Philipp Hildebrand
Honorary Fellow
Sir Nicholas Hilliard
Honorary Fellow
Professor Emily Howard
Honorary Fellow
Professor Peter Kornicki FBA
Honorary Fellow
The Rt Hon Lord Robert Lisvane KCB
Honorary Fellow
The Rt Hon Sir Timothy Lloyd
Honorary Fellow
Sir Andrew Longmore
Honorary Fellow
Sir Colin Lucas
Honorary Fellow
Miss Shabana Mahmood MP
Honorary Fellow
Lord David Craig of Radley
Honorary Fellow
Mr Adebayo Ogunlesi
Honorary Fellow
Professor Ritchie Robertson
Honorary Fellow
Ms Nicola Shaw CBE
Honorary Fellow
Dr Jamie Shea
Honorary Fellow
Mr Hugh Sloane
Honorary Fellow
Professor Fiona Stafford FBA
Honorary Fellow
Mr Roger Wagner
Honorary Fellow
Professor Jeremy Waldron FBA
Honorary Fellow
Professor James Watson
Honorary Fellow
Professor Henry Woudhuysen FBA
Honorary Fellow
Rt Rev'd Richard Yeo OSB
Honorary Fellow
Professor Mervin Dilts
Murray Fellow
Mr Christopher FitzGerald
Murray Fellow
Dr Gordon Gancz
Murray Fellow
Dr Regan Greenwood
Murray Fellow
Mr Peter Mitchell
Murray Fellow
Professor Graham Sharman
Murray Fellow
Dr Lynn Shepherd
Murray Fellow
Dr Stephen Sohmer
Murray Fellow
Mr Daniel Stewart
Murray Fellow
Mr Max Thorneycroft
Murray Fellow
Ms Patricia van Diest
Murray Fellow

Professor Stephan Chambers
Senior Research Fellow in Business

Dr Joseph da Costa
Hardie Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Humanities

Dr Andrii Gorelik
Jones and Anson Junior Research Fellow in the Biosciences

Professor Bass Hassan
T.O. Ogunlesi Senior Research Fellow

Professor Dominic Joyce FRS
Senior Research Fellow in Mathematics

Dr Mark Kirby
Child-Shuffrey Research Fellow in Architectural History

Dr Yoel Klug
BTG Junior Research Fellow in Biomedical Sciences

Dr Andrew Lewis
Kemp Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Medical Sciences

Dr Laure Miolo
Dilts Research Fellow

Dr Eileen Parkes
George and Susan Brownlee Junior Research Fellow in the Biomedical Sciences

Dr Adam Wilkinson
George and Susan Brownlee Junior Research Fellow in the Biomedical Sciences

Dr Nancy Zaarour
Elman Poole Junior Research Fellow in Translational Immunology
Professor Peter Atkins
Supernumerary Fellow
Professor Neil Barclay
Supernumerary Fellow
Dr Susan Brigden FBA
Supernumerary Fellow
Professor George Brownlee FRS
Supernumerary Fellow
Mr Graham Child
Supernumerary Fellow
Professor Peter Cook
Supernumerary Fellow
Dr Louise Durning
Supernumerary Fellow
Professor Simon Gardner
Supernumerary Fellow
Professor Stephen Gill
Supernumerary Fellow
Professor Nick Jelley
Supernumerary Fellow
Dr John Norbury
Supernumerary Fellow
Dr Frank Payne
Supernumerary Fellow
Professor Nicholas Proudfoot FRS
Supernumerary Fellow

Professor Roland Smith
Supernumerary Fellow

Professor Margaret Stevens
Supernumerary Fellow
Professor Herman Waldmann FRS
Supernumerary Fellow
Mr Nigel Wilson FBA
Supernumerary Fellow