
Dr Mark Kirby

Headshot of Dr Mark Kirby, a man in a suit and tie and wearing glasses


I took my undergraduate degree in History at Peterhouse, Cambridge (1984-87). I then worked in the City for the Bank of England and other organisations in the quasi-public sector, in a variety of regulatory and public policy roles, including eight years posted in Brussels.

I returned to academia in 2014 to take my life-long interest in architectural history to a deeper level. Under the supervision of Professor Anthony Geraghty at the University of York, I completed my PhD in 2019, under the title, 'Furnishing Sir Christopher Wren’s churches: Anglican identity in late seventeenth-century London'. This examined the manner in which the newly restored Church of England under a newly restored King sought to express it’s ecclesial and doctrinal position through the rare opportunity of being able to build 50 new churches in the aftermath of the Great Fire of London.


  • Child-Shuffrey Research Fellow in Architectural History

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