I am a Tutorial Fellow at Lincoln College and an Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy.
- Research
My research focuses on the philosophy of social science and political philosophy. I also have a strong interest in German philosophy, particularly Nietzsche.
- Select publications
“Nietzsche and the Significance of Genealogy,” Mind, forthcoming
“Genealogy Beyond Debunking,” Midwest Studies in Philosophy 47:171-194 (2023)
“The Philosopher as Reverse Engineer: On the Limits of Pragmatic Genealogy,” Analysis (2022)
“Democracy and the Contemporary Media: What is the Problem?” in The World Information War: Campaigning, Cognition, and Affect (2021).
“Deliberation Through Misrepresentation,” Journal of Political Philosophy (2020).
“Explanation and Manipulation,” Noûs (2017).
“Genealogy and the Structure of Interpretation,” Journal of Nietzsche Studies (2015).
“Nietzsche, Genealogy, and Historical Individuals,” Journal of Nietzsche Studies (2015).
“Williams and Nietzsche on the Significance of History for Moral Philosophy,” Journal of Nietzsche Studies (2014) *Winner of Bowen Prize for Best Paper in Moral Philosophy at Harvard 2013-2014
Book Reviews
Review of M. Brady and M. Fricker M. (ed.), The Epistemic Life of Groups, European Journal of Philosophy, May 2018
Review of B. Leiter, Moral Psychology with Nietzsche, European Journal of Philosophy, March 2021
Deconstructive Genealogy: A Nietzschean Approach to Historical Critique (forthcoming with Oxford University Press)