
Revd Dr Jonny Torrance

Headshot of Dr Jonny Torrance


As the Chaplain, I provide pastoral support to the whole college (students, Fellows and Staff), as well as running the chapel and leading services. My door is always open if you want a chat and a hot drink.

I grew up in Edinburgh, and came to Oxford to study my first degree in History (at St Peter's). After graduating I worked for 5 years as a youth worker in Switzerland, before going to Cambridge in 2017 to study to become a priest. Getting back into the library made me realise what I had been missing, so I stayed on to do a PhD in Theology, whilst also serving a curacy. I then worked for a year as assistant chaplain at Jesus College (Cambridge), before coming to Lincoln in 2024.


  • Chaplain and Lord Crewe Career Development Fellow

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