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Sefer Toledot Aharon (Freiburgh Breisgay, 1586)
Sefer yafe mar’eh (Venice, 1590)
Sefer he-‘arukh (Bâle, 1559)
Rabi Leṿi ben Gershom : Perush ʿal ha-Torah (Venice, 1547)
14th century Selected works of St Bernard owned by Robert Fleming
14th century Selected works of St Bernard owned by Robert Fleming
15th century Letters of Pliny the Elder owned by Robert Fleming
15th century Letters of Pliny the Elder owned by Robert Fleming
16th century Liturgy of St John Chrysostom and 6 other works owned by George Wheler
16th century Liturgy of St John Chrysostom and 6 other works owned by George Wheler
Bible given by King Charles II to Nathaniel, Lord Crewe
Biblia cum Postillis Nicolai de Lyra v.1 and v.2 (Cologne, 1485)
Biblia cum Postillis Nicolai de Lyra v.1 and v.2 (Cologne, 1485)
John of Abbatis-villa - Sermones Dominicales per anni circulum. England, 13th century. Donated by Robert Fleming.
St Jerome - liber quaestionum Hebraicarum in Genesim. Also 8 other works. 12th-15th centuries. Donated by Robert Fleming.
Thomas Netterus Waldensis - Doctrinalis fidei catholicae part 2. England, c.1420. Donated by Richard Fleming.
St Chrysostom - de compunctione cordis. Also St Chrysostom - Quod nemo potest laedi nisi a semetipso and St Bernard of Clairvaux - Sermones in Dominicis et festis per annum. England, 15th and 13th centuries.
St Cyril of Alexandria - Super Genesim. Italy (probably North-East) 15th century. Donated by Robert Fleming.
Caecilius Cyprianus - Epistola ad Donatum and 18 other works.
Caecilius Cyprianus – Epistola ad Donatum and 18 other works.
R. Joseph ibn Gikatilia. Sēfer Sha'arē Ōrān and Sēfer Sha'arē Sedek. Rivo Trient, 1561.
R. Joseph ibn Gikatilia. Sēfer Sha’arē Ōrān and Sēfer Sha’arē Sedek. Rivo Trient, 1561.
Targum Yerushalmi and 3 other works. London, 1649.
Targum and Josephus Hebraicus. Translated into Latin by Sebastian Münster. Strasburg 1546 and Bâle 1541.
Commentary on Exodus. England, 17th century. Probably written by Kilbye, donated by John Gilbert, Gentleman-Commoner 1691.
Andrew Salus et Epiphanus - Narratio de fulmine et fulgure. Also 38 other works. Greece, 14th century. George Wheeler donation.
Sententiae proverbiales. Also "Modus praedicandi dividivus" and Nicolai [de Gorham] - Themata de dominicis. 15th and 14th centuries. Richard Fleming donation.
Anonymous - Commentary on St Jerome's letter to Brother Ambrosius. Also 3 other works. England, 15th century. From the medieval library of Merton College (Ker).
Aquinas - Commentary on Sententiae Bk.1. Italy, 13th century. William Chamberlain, Rector donation. Annotated with the only known copy of Aquinas' second commentary on Sententiae Bk.1.