Volume surface cleaned with latex sponge, focusing on first and last few leaves.
Tears near spinefold of first right section repaired with wheat starch paste solution and Japanese Kozo paper.
Spinefold of first right section also repaired with Japanese Kozo paper and wheat starch paste.
Repaired section re-attached to textblock with a V-hinge of Japanese Kozo paper, pasted onto first leaf of section B at shoulder and then brought over section A and pasted onto flyleaf (still tipped to section A)
Boards re-attached with tabs of friebe aerocotton pasted beneath spine leather and leather at board edges. Japanese Kozo paper, toned with liquid acrylics, then pasted on top of the cotton tabs to consolidate and disguise repair. Leather pasted back down on top.
Inner joint repairs of toned Japanese Kozo paper applied to both joints.