Front Quad of Lincoln College, the walls covered in bright green ivy

R. Joseph ibn Gikatilia. Sēfer Sha’arē Ōrān and Sēfer Sha’arē Sedek. Rivo Trient, 1561.

Before treatment


  • Spine leather lifted at head and tail in order to gain access to the spine. Board leather was lifted all along.
  • Spine adhesive cleaned off the areas at head and tail beneath the leather using a methylcellulose poultice. c.20mm of right board pastedown lifted using a combination of heat (from a hand warmer) and moisture (from a damp piece of blotter)
  • Loose group of leaves at right end of textblock were re-incorporated into the textblock using a Japanese paper hinge at head and tail, which was adhered onto the shoulder. All repairs were adhered using wheat starch paste.
  • Small aerocotton tabs adhered at head and tail. Extensions of tabs adhered onto the outside of the boards followed by a toned paper.
  • Additional board attachment achieved by adhering paper hinges extending from the shoulder onto the outside board face.

After treatment

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