Welfare, Health and Disability

There are a number of people you can contact if you are having any difficulties or problems. Lisa Stokes-King is our Welfare Coordinator, and is available to talk to you about any concerns you may have. You can also speak to our Chaplain, Jonny Torrance.
Each common room has a Welfare Rep who organises welfare events, and a number of our students act as peer supporters and can be contacted for a friendly chat. The College nurse and College doctors are also able and willing to advise you if you have welfare concerns, and their details can be found below.
If you need to speak to someone about harassment or bullying, please contact one of the College's Harassment Advisors, Dr Jody LaPorte and Prof. J.P. Park.
Outside College, there is the University Counselling Service and Nightline (both affiliated to the University) and the Student Advice service.
Our College nurse and College doctors are available should you fall ill or require mental health support.
Our College Nurse, Kinneret Milgrom, operates a surgery in Chapel Quad in weeks 0-9, Tuesdays through Fridays, from 12:40-2:30pm. You can either just drop in, or you can email her in advance to make an appointment. Students can also book a longer half-hour session from 13:30-14:30, so you can have a safer space to discuss complex matters. This service is supervised by Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust.
The College Doctors can be found at the King Edward Street at the Northgate Medical Practice. Students should first make an appointment by telephone (01865 242657) or online.
The Lodge (01865 279800) should be contacted in case of accident or sudden illness, and the Porter will call for the doctor or nurse. In emergencies, please call an ambulance straight away. You should then alert the Lodge so they can inform the Senior Tutor and Dean.
If you have an illness or injury, but are not sure where you go for NHS support, please take a look at this information on choosing the right NHS service.
You can also register with Damira Dental Studios, the NHS dental practice at Oxford Brookes University.
If you have a disability or chronic health condition, the Examinations and Adjustments Officer will help you with any necessary adjustments to teaching provision, examination arrangements, or accommodation. Chronic health conditions include mental health issues such as anxiety and disordered eating, neurodiverse conditions including Specific Learning Disabilities and Autistic Spectrum Disorders, and physical health conditions such as diabetes or epilepsy.
We recommend that you register with the University Disability Advisory Service. Lincoln’s link advisors there are Martha Cadle and Kevin Rayson, and they will liaise directly with the Disability Co-ordinator as needed.
Lincoln’s Examinations and Adjustments Officer, Rebecca Carley, is the College's Disability Coordinator: please contact her with any requests or queries, or just to find out more, at disability@lincoln.ox.ac.uk.