
Lisa Stokes-King

Headshot of Lisa Stokes-King, a woman in a black sweater, with glasses and hoop earrings


I am here to listen to any worries or problems that you might be having, and, if necessary, to help guide you to the welfare and support services that will be best placed to help you, both within college and across the broader University

I came to Oxford as a mature undergraduate, and then studied abroad, so I’ve been an undergraduate, a graduate, a mature student and an international student.  I’ve worked in other colleges, at the central University’s Welfare Services, and in the Student Union’s Advice Service: during that time I’ve heard pretty much everything, and am generally unshockable.

I’m on Staircase 4, Room 2 (up in the attic). You can make an appointment with me here, email me or just drop in: in term time I work for part of every week day, and in vacations I’m here on Wednesdays and Thursdays.


  • Student Welfare Coordinator

Contact Details