Support for Teachers
Lincoln College Teacher Conference
When: TBC December 2024
Who is it for: state school teachers and leaders
Lincoln College will host our one-night, one-day conference event for state school teachers and school leaders responsible for applications to Oxbridge. It is also useful for supporting high achieving students from disadvantaged backgrounds, or applications to competitive universities in general. Learn about available bursaries, challenge existing preconceptions, and hear from academics involved in the interview process about how you can help students develop the skills we look for.
This event is free of charge for participants, with accommodation provided in College on the first night.
We are fortunate to be able to offer travel reimbursements of up to £60 per person, if you are travelling from more than 75 minutes away.
The sessions throughout the day will cover topics such as: Financial Support & Bursaries for Students; Myth-busting preconceptions about accessing Oxford; Student life in Oxford beyond academic work; Academic life, applications, and interviews. You will hear from Oxford staff, students and academics.
Applications will open in due course.