Front Quad of Lincoln College, the walls covered in bright green ivy


Norrington Table – a top 10 performance

23 Jun 2021

Lincoln College has placed 10th in the Norrington Table for 2019-20, with more than half of our 88 finalists achieving a First. This marks our best performance for a number of years and there were particularly strong results from finalists in Classical Archaeology and Ancient History, English Language and Literature, History, Medicine, Mathematics, and Physics.

Our finalists took their exams in the summer of 2020 in exceptional circumstances. The Covid-19 pandemic meant that exams did not take place in the usual way; instead our finalists were faced with either ‘open-book’ exams or longer pieces of work completed over several days.

Senior Tutor Lydia Matthews says: "The College warmly congratulates all of our students who completed their degrees last year. These results are a testament to their very hard work and are especially impressive given the difficult situation last year. We look forward to celebrating our finalists’ success when we can welcome them back to College for their graduation."

What is the Norrington Table?

The Norrington Table ranks the performance of colleges based on their undergraduate degree classifications. The full Norrington Table can be viewed here.

Where next?

  • Discover the undergraduate courses on offerRead more
  • Learn about the financial support available at LincolnRead more
  • Register for our next Open DayRead more