I attended St. Margaret Mary's Junior School, Knowsley and St. Francis Xavier's College, Liverpool before undertaking my MMath studies at the University of Warwick. I subsequently spent two years as an Associate Tutor in the Warwick Mathematics Institute before commencing my Ph.D. studies at the University of Liverpool under the supervision of Prof. Lasse Rempe and Dr. David MartÃ-Pete. I joined Lincoln College as a Stipendiary Lecturer in September 2024.
I will be providing tutorials to first and second-year undergraduates at Lincoln college for the following modules:
Prelims: Introduction to Complex Numbers, Analysis I, and Analysis II.
Part A: Metric Spaces, Complex Analysis, and Integration.
- Research
My area of research is within complex, or holomorphic, dynamics where the behaviours of a space (the complex plane or Riemann sphere in this case) are studied when a function is applied repeatedly to it. I am particularly interested in the escaping sets of transcendental entire functions; the points that tend to infinity over time under the iteration of holomorphic functions defined on the whole complex plane that aren't polynomials, e.g. the exponential function. My thesis work is dedicated to the construction of slow-growing counterexamples to the strong Eremenko conjecture and my current research explores further results and questions stemming from this.
- Stipendiary Lecturer in Pure Mathematics