Hi, I’m Ben, and I am currently a third year reading Jurisprudence (Law) at Lincoln. I grew up in North Essex and went to school in Cambridge, or ‘the other place’ to everyone at Oxford. I did Maths, Physics, and Chemistry at A-Level, proving that you can study Law without doing an essay-based subject in the sixth-form!
I was attracted to Oxford, firstly, because it is the best law faculty in the UK, and, secondly, its style of teaching is unlike anywhere else. At Oxford, because the tutorial system is so central to everything you do, you learn to think about the law independently; you spend the majority of your time looking at the primary materials (cases and legislation), rather than sitting in lectures (you can still go to lectures, but they play a supplementary role), which gives you an exciting and novel perspective on the subject.
I enjoy studying Law because learning to analyse the building-blocks of our society is stimulating! If I go to the shops and hand over some money in exchange for some crisps, I’ve entered a Contract. If I walk onto your land without your permission, I have committed a Tort. I’m currently renting my accommodation (very good accommodation for that matter) from Lincoln: I’m a tenant, and I can exercise certain rights under Land law. If you’re interested in knowing how life works, Law is for you!
In my spare time, I am involved in a variety of societies and clubs that take my mind off what can be intense Oxford terms. On the law side of things, I’m lucky enough to be the Editor of the Oxford University Undergraduate Law Journal, a journal published annually which allows law undergraduates to publish their legal writing. I am also a student law panellist for the Oxford University Press, advising the University publishers on how they can improve their textbooks. For non-law stuff, I am keen rugby player (captaining the Lincoln team last year – a brilliant way to make friends across College), I also referee rugby, I play cricket, and occasionally I make an appearance for the College hockey team.
In short, Lincoln is great. The tutors really care about how you’re doing. I love my subject, and I couldn’t imagine studying anything else. I’m taught and lectured to by the best in the business. I’m surrounded by engaging, interesting, and inspiring friends. I would thoroughly recommend Lincoln, Law, and all Oxford has to offer.
- Third-year undergraduate, Jurisprudence (Law)